Νηστίσιμα κουλουράκια με κακάο & φυστικοβούτυρο-Vegan cocoa peanut butter cookies by the Veggie sisters!

Υλικά (περίπου 50 κουλουράκια):
2,5 φλ. αλεύρι (φαρίνα)
4 κ.σ. φυτικό βούτυρο
1 φλ. καστανή ζάχαρη
2/3 φλ. πουρέ μήλου
1 φλ. φυστικοβούτυρο
1 κγ σόδα
2-3 κσ κακάο

Χτυπάω την μαργαρίνη να αφρατέψει, προοδευτικά ανακατεύω την ζάχαρη και τον πουρέ μήλου ανακατεύοντας διαρκώς, προσθέτω και το φυστικοβούτυρο και όταν ομογενοποιηθεί το μείγμα ρίχνω την σόδα και το αλεύρι σιγά σιγά (δεν θέλουμε να γίνει πολύ σφιχτή η ζύμη).
Προαιρετικά προσθέτω το κακάο σε ολόκληρη ή στην μισή ζύμη αν θέλω να τα φτιάξω δίχρωμα. Βάζω την ζύμη σκεπασμένη για 20 λεπτά στο ψυγείο και στην συνέχεια φτιάχνω τα μπισκοτάκια (για το μέγεθος της φωτογραφίας είναι ένα γεμάτο κουταλάκι του γλυκού) και τα ακουμπάω σε λαδόκολα (να έχουν απόσταση μεταξύ τους γιατί απλώνουν). Ψήνω σε
προθερμασμένο φούρνο στους 180 βαθμούς αντιστάσεις, στην μεσασία σχάρα, για 10 περίπου λεπτά (κάθε φούρνος είναι διαφορετικός, προσοχή στο ψήσιμο).
Αν θέλετε να τα φτιάξετε δίχρωμα, φτιάξτε το μπισκοτάκι με το ζυμάρι χωρίς κακάο και προσθέστε στην συνέχεια από πάνω ένα μικρό κομμάτι από το ζυμάρι με το κακάο.
Vegan cocoa peanut butter cookies
Goodmorning, dear friends! Today I am sharing with you the veganised version of an old recipe. I had made these «irresistible peanut butter cookies» many years ago but I still remember how much I had enjoyed them! The new edition is vegan, lighter and healthier but still the they taste heavenly! Here’s the story behind the making of these yummy cookies: a few days ago my little daughter wanted to play either with a neighbour little girl or in a playground! She would be happy as long as she would play outside the house. Since her friend was not at home, we decided to take her to a playground. Unfortunately when we got there, we were really disappointed because the toys were in poor condition and they were even dangerous for a kid to use them! So I explained that to her and asked her to go back home. I had to find a tempting reason to get back home , so I promised her that we would make cookies instead of playing. The trick was good, she immediately accepted my offer!
On our way back home Eleni (my husband’s godmother that puts us up until our house is ready) promised that she would make a cretan treat called «tiganitaria» with her. So Chara was looking forward to starting kneading her dough! When they finished making tiganitaria it was already late (21.30). I was hoping that she would had forgotten all about the cookies and that she would want to sleep. I was so wrong! Kids never forget, my friends! So I had to keep my promise and we started making these cookies right away! After a while she felt exhausted and told me «Mommy, I wanna sleep, you can finish them on your own!’ I wanted to tell her ‘Hey, young lady, you have to help me!» but I didn’t. I tucked her in and made them on my own. At least Eleni was there to help me and keep me company! We baked until midnight! The reward came the next day when Chara tried the cookies. She gave a hug and told me «Mommy, they are really yummy! I love them! We should take some to my friend, Anna Maria» So this is how these cookies were made! Let’s move on to the recipe now! Kisses and hugs!
Eνημέρωση :
Το sokolatomania.gr περιέχει διαφημίσεις Google . Δεν κοστίζουν κάτι σε εσάς, όμως κάνοντας ένα κλικ σε αυτές, λαμβάνει μια πολύ μικρή προμήθεια που το βοηθάει να συντηρείται.
Vegan cocoa peanut butter cookies
Υλικά (yields about 50 cookies):
2,5 cups self rising flour
4 Tbsp vegan butter
1 cup brown sugar
2/3 cup apple sauce
1 cup peanut butter
1 tsp baking soda
2-3 Tbsp cocoa powder
Beat butter until fluffy. Gradually add sugar and applesauce. Keep beating. Thena dd peanut butter. Beat until well combined. Add soda and flour. (the dough should not be very thick). Add cocoa powder in the dough or in half of the dough in case you want to make bicoloured cookies. Cover dough with a plastic wrap and place it in the fridge for 20 minutes. Then make cookies (the size you see in the pics is 1 tsp of dough each). Lay them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Don’t put them close one another because while baking they get wider. Bake in preheated oven at 180 C in the middle rack for about 10 minutes. Allow to cool. Enjoy!
If you want to make bicoloured cookies, make the cookie with the dough and add above it a piece of cocoa dough.

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